“Four-Photon Correlations in Parametric Down-Conversion”. JETP, 2004, 98, No 2, p.227-230  (with  O.A.Ivanova)

            “Conditional unitary transformations on biphotons”. Phys. Rev. A, 2004, 70 (3), 032332 (with  G.Brida, M.Genovese, M.Gramegna, L.A.Krivitsky, S.P.Kulik)

            “Orthogonality of biphoton polarization states”. Phys. Rev. A, 2004, 70, 053801 (with  L.A.Krivitsky, G.A.Maslennikov, S.P.Kulik)

            “Practical realization of the quantum cryptography protocol exploiting polarization encoding in qutrits”. Journal of Optics B, 5, 530 (2003) (with  G.A.Maslennikov, A.A.Zhukov, S.P.Kulik)

             “Biphoton Light Generation in Polarization-Frequency Bell States”. JETP, 2002, 95, 639 (with  A. V. Burlakov, S. P. Kulik, and G. O. Rytikov)
            “Operationalistic Orthogonality Condition for Single-Mode Biphotons (Qutrits)”. JETP Lett., 2002, 76, 596 (with A. A. Zhukov and G. A. Maslennikov)

“Two-photon spectron” JETP Lett., 2002, 75, 225-226.

“Entangled  Two-Photon Wave Packet in a Dispersive Medium”. Phys.Rev.Lett., 2002, 88, 18601 (with A.Valencia, A.S.Trifonov, and Y.H.Shih).

            “Collinear two-photon state with spectral properties of type-I and polarization properties of type-II spontaneous parametric down-conversion: Preparation and testing”. Phys. Rev. A, 2001, 64, 041803 (with A.V.Burlakov, O.A.Karabutova, and S.P.Kulik)

            “Two-Photon Diffraction and Quantum Lithography”. Phys. Rev. Lett., 87, No 1, 013602-1 – 013602-4 (2001) (with M.D’Angelo and Y.H.Shih)

"Biphoton Interference with a Multimode Pump". Phys.Rev.A, Phys.Rev. A, 2001, 63, 053801. (with A.V.Burlakov, O.A.Karabutova, and S.P.Kulik)

            "Temporal Indistinguishability and Quantum Interference". Phys.Rev.A,  62, p.043820 (2000). (with Y.H.Kim, E.Berardi, A.Garuccio, and Y.H.Shih)

            "First-order Interference of Nonclassical Light Emitted Spontaneously at Different Times". Phys.Rev.A, 61, p.0518032R (2000).(with Y.H.Kim, S.P.Kulik, Y.H.Shih, and M.H.Rubin)

            "Polarization State of a Biphoton: Quantum Ternary Logic". Phys.Rev.A, 60, p.R4209 (1999). (with A.V.Burlakov, O.A.Karabutova, D.N.Klyshko, and S.P.Kulik)

            "Quantum Interference by Two Temporally Distinguishable Pulses". Phys.Rev. A., 60, R37 (1999). (with  Y.H.Kim, S.P.Kulik, M.Rubin, T.Keller and Y.H.Shih)

            "Propagation and Decay of Equilibrium Phonon Polaritons". Optics Comm., 165, p.39 (1999). (with A.V.Burlakov, S.P.Kulik, and A.N.Penin)

"Three-Photon Interference: Spectroscopy of Linear and Nonlinear Media". JETP, 86,6, 1090-1097 (1998). (with A.N.Penin, S.P.Kulik, and A.V.Burlakov)

            "Interference Effects in Spontaneous Two-Photon Parametric Scattering from Two Macroscopic Regions". Phys.Rev.A, 55, No10 (1997) (with A.V.Burlakov, D.N.Klyshko, S.P.Kulik, A.N.Penin, Y.H.Shih, and D.V.Strekalov)

            "Interference between Spontaneous Two-Photon Radiation from Two Macroscopic Regions". JETP Lett., 65, No.1, 19-24 (1997) (with A.V.Burlakov, D.N.Klyshko, S.P.Kulik,  and A.N.Penin)

            "Relation between the Photon Statistics in Parametrically Conjugated Modes". Laser Physics, 6, No 6, 1077-1081 (1996) (with A.V.Burlakov, S.P.Kulik, and A.N.Penin)

            "Intensity interference in Bragg Scattering by Acoustic Waves with Thermal Statistics". Phys.Rev.A, 54, No 5, 1-4 (1996) (with S.P.Kulik, A.N.Penin, and P.A.Prudkovskii)

            "Photon Correlation in Inelastic Scattering of Light". JETP, 81, No.6, 1067-1071 (1995) (with A.V.Belinskii)

            "Waveguide Polariton Modes in the Polariton Scattering Spectra of a Thin LiNbO_3 Layer". Optics Communications, 114, 301-308 (1994) (with S.P.Kulik and A.N.Penin)

            "Study of Second-Order Excitations in \alpha-Iodic Acid Crystal by Means of Polariton k-Spectroscopy". Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, 24, 581-584 (1993) (with A.N.Penin)