List of major 



KITAEVA Galiya Khasanovna


Personal data:

Date of Birth: March 29, 1953

Place of Birth: Moscow, Russia



Division of Quantum Electronics, Department of Physics, M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow 119899, Russia,

Fax: 7(095)9391104; Phone: 7(095)9394372;



Home address:

ap.7, Leninsky prospect, 88, corp.3, 117313 Moscow, Russia

Doctor of Science

Leading Researcher

Division of Quantum Electronics



- 1976 Graduated from M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University;

- 1982 Ph.D. in M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University;

Thesis Title: "Parametric down-conversion as a method of the absolute

radiance measurement"

- 2002 Doctor of Science (Dr. Sci.), Moscow State University;

Thesis Title: "Quantum photometry and k-spectroscopy of crystals based

on the optical parametric processes"


Scientific biography


Teaching activities:

Lecture course (32 hours): "Quantum Optics" for fifth-year students.


Lecture course (32 hours): "Quasi-synchronous interactions in non-linear optics" for postgraduate students


Research activities:


n          Nonlinear optics of periodically poled crystals and other spatially inhomogeneous solid structures


n          Terahertz generation and detection using doped PPLN


n       Infrared spectroscopy of non-linear crystals based on

§         cascaded coherent four-wave mixing,

§         spontaneous  parametric down - conversion,

§         near-forward  Raman  scattering,

§         Fourier spectroscopy


n      Measurement of real and imagine dielectric constants e’(w),e”(w),

optical susceptibilities c(2), c(3) of crystals and polymers in the

visible and IR ranges, including the region of phonon absorption


n          Elementary excitations in solids - phonons, polaritons, polarons,

study of phonon anharmonicity and electron-phonon interaction


n          Absolute measurement of radiance using fluctuations of electromagnetic vacuum as a reference


List of major publications